Thursday, October 22, 2009

Haunted House Building!

This last weekend we put together a gingerbread haunted house - Jake shot some video to document the event. Just so know, don't bother buying the kit at Walmart. The frosting wasn't nearly as good as the Christmas gingerbread houses. It wouldn't harden fast enough to hold the walls and candy like it should. It literally took hours and hours to harden. Ridiculous! Plus, it didn't taste good. How do I know this? Two words: frosting fight! And no, I'm not uploading the frosting fight video. LOL

Are these not the cutest kids??

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trip to the Planetarium!

We decided to take a trip to the planetarium last Saturday - it was too rainy (well, sprinkling anyway) for the zoo. We had lots of pictures but quite a few are too fuzzy or just plain embarrassing, but here are some of them!

The girls on Mars! It's a bit fuzzy, but you have to expect that from so far away!

Jenica resting on Mars. It's a long trip to get there - would you blame her?

Jake has lost his balance. Hmmm.... I wonder if he gets the BYU games out there?

Abby is hanging out on the Moon as she points to her home on Earth. Apparently the space suit was too cumbersome so she decided to just take it off for a while.

Do we really have to sit through this movie? "Under the Sea 3D" was barely voted as the winner of what movie to see there.

Jake and Jenica just being cool with their sweet 3D glasses.

Abby is always happy to smile for the camera!

And finally... Dan and I! Our glasses were hot, huh? We wanted to keep them, but decided to give them back so that others could enjoy their hotness. ;)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My first sewing class!

I went to a sewing class this morning with some ladies in my ward, and used my sewing machine for the first time! And it worked!!! I made a table runner, and while I know it is very simple, I can't help but be proud of it seeing as it's the first thing I've ever done.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Colon Cleanse

Dan and I are doing a colon cleansing program my in-laws got for us. Dan was told it would help us out because his parents liked it so much and I wasn't told anything about it beyond that they wanted to talk to us about getting it. That's the last I heard about it until we got the box in the mail.

The stuff was ordered and came... and it's a freaking lot of pills to take! 10 pills, 5 times a day so it's 50 pills a day! And these aren't little tiny pills - they are HUGE capsule horsepills. Disgusting. Although neither of us WANT to do it, we are doing it because we don't feel like we should waste the money spent on it.

We were told to read the booklet that came with the program, and while there is some good stuff in it, it basically reads like propoganda to me. It's all about selling the product right down to saying "Don't go to the hospital if you have appendicitis" to saying this program can cure cancer. Hmm... I'm not sure I believe all that. But it can only do good to be cleaned out.

The program is only 5 days, so I may update with how I feel after I finish. I started yesterday. So far, I feel bloated, stuffed, and drowned in all the water and pills that have to be taken. The constipation from yesterday has been a little less today, but still not feeling all that well. My hubby feels the same way. Hopefully it will get better!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July just can't end soon enough

So... It's not been the best month ever. Let me start with - a few months ago, my sister Kristy, who lives in Wyoming, invited me to go on trek with her family. We'd been planning on it. When the time came a few weeks ago to go up to Wyoming to make my dress, we didn't have the money to fund the trip. After talking with my sister, she was very sweet and offered to make my dress so I could just drive to Martin's Cove and meet them for trek. THEN, my car breaks down. Well, not just breaks down, dies completely. It's dead. It's going to have to be sold for parts if we want any kind of money out of it. It's certainly not worth buying a new engine for. Or for that matter, it's not worth buying an old, used engine either. I don't know how to drive my hubby's stick shift either, so that basically canceled trek.

We had an opportunity to get a dog. We planned on getting it. We even went and found doghouses and collars we liked. It was a cute 5 month old puppy named Bronx. I have to admit, we both got attached to him through the pictures. Then, a week before we were going to pick him up, we found out our landlord would require a $600 deposit. Umm... yeah, we can't afford that! Very sad news!! We'll have to get a dog another time. :o(

There were some health problems that I had, (which I'm just not going to talk about for everyone to read...) but a few nights ago I had to go into the hospital. We went for what we thought was appendicitis (it wasn't) at 9:30pm and we were there until 4:00am. Talk about a long time to wait. ANYWHO, yada yada yada, I'm feeling much better now. :o)

I can't wait until this month ends. I thought I'd be done with all the sad parts about halfway through, and I was wrong. It continues.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Blog

I don't know if anyone wants to follow along or not, (and believe me, I REALLY don't mind if you don't) but I just wanted to mention that I've started another new blog to keep track of my writing progress on my 2nd draft of the novel I'm working on. Check it out.

I'm keeping it separate because I want this one to be left as more of a family news blog - which... sadly doesn't get updated as often as it should. I will be posting a blog soon about the adventures and disappointments of the really horrible month of July. It can't end soon enough!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Work Boots!

I was told by my work at the power plant that I needed to get some steel-toed boots. So, I went to the store they had a charge account with, and there are NO regular color women's boots. So I try on all sorts of different men's kinds, but they simply don't have a size small enough to fit my dainty (haha) feet. Finally I try on these loverly pink beauties! They are the only ones that fit. I had to get them. At $160, I'm SO glad the plant paid for them!

I have to say, I really didn't want pink boots. But the longer I've had them, the more they've grown on me. How fun are pink industrial items?? Turns out they have all sorts of different girly colors. I'll happily stick with my pink boots. I just wonder how the people at the plant will like them... :o)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

2 Month Anniversary!!

The wedding went off without a hitch and everything was beautiful! I had some fear that Dan wasn't going to show up and was so relieved when I heard word that he was in the hallway while I got my dress on.

My brother walked me down the aisle to Lakme's Flower Duet and it was amazing to see Dan standing there waiting to marry me.

Yesterday was our two month anniversary. Everyone keeps reminding me that the first year is the hardest. I keep wondering when that "hard" part is supposed to begin. We've had our misunderstandings, but I don't know if we've actually had a real actual fight yet. I love that I always have my best friend around!

People ask me about how I'm adjusting to being Step-Mom. And to tell you the truth, I think I'm doing ok, but since we don't see the kids too often, I don't really know. It's really too bad that we only see them every other weekend. They are such great kids, you know their mom is really doing a wonderful job with them. I hope I do so well when I have kids!

Anyway, that's all I have time for today, but I'll try to keep this updated far more often than I have been. :o)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Updates coming soon!

I know I haven't updated in a long time. Blame it on getting married and being a newlywed. :o) Will be catching ya'll up soon though so check back!